Friday 17 January 2014

Cheesy Chicken & Aubergine Dinner

This recipe is for a very easy, quick and still tasty dinner.  This should feed 6 people, with some left over for lunch!

Chicken Breasts (skinless, boneless, and cut into nice bite sized chunks)
1 – 2 Aubergines (tops taken off, cut into chunks)
1 Pack Rosa tomatoes, 1 tin chopped tomatoes, tomato paste
Thyme and Oregano (fresh if possible) chopped finely
Garlic, chopped finely 
Salt and Pepper
Dried Chilli Flakes
Worcestershire Sauce
80g – 100g Mozzarella cheese, grated
Fresh Basil (two handfuls)
60g Parmesan, finely grated
Ciabatta bread

Cheesy Chicken and Aubergine Preparations
- Fry chicken breasts chunks in olive oil, garlic, chilli flakes, salt and pepper and a good dash of Worcestershire sauce
- Add aubergine chunks shortly after (you want them to get really nice and soft)
- Add thyme and oregano
- Once the aubergines are nicely browned add the tomatoes and the tin of tomatoes.  Also add tomato paste
- Add more Worcestershire sauce and spice to taste
- Turn to medium heat and let simmer, stirring occasionally, until the aubergine is soft and chicken is cooked through
- Add the mozzarella in small handfuls until sauce turns creamy and cheese is mixed through evenly
- Add basil just before serving
- Garnish with Parmesan
- Serve with Ciabatta bread

Cheesy Chicken and Aubergine Dinner served with Ciabatta Bread

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